Easter bank holiday running times

1 year ago Wed 1st Mar 2023

Reds easter running times

Please see the below Easter holiday running times:

Good Friday (7th April) All Park & Ride routes along with the R1, R8 & X3 will run to a Saturday timetable. As a result, the R3, R7, & R11 will not operate. All other routes will run to a normal Sunday timetable.
Easter Saturday (8th April) Normal Saturday service on all routes
Easter Sunday (9th April) Normal Sunday service on all routes
Easter Monday (10th April) All Park & Ride routes will run to the special Public Holiday timetable. As a result, the R3, R7, & R11 will not operate. All other routes (including X3) will run to a normal Sunday timetable

Salisbury Reds wishes you a happy Easter!