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Route map

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Service 120Service 110
St John's School 15:25 16:25
Marlborough High Street 15:35 16:30
Savernake Hospital 15:41 16:36
Great Bedwyn, Three Tuns 15:50 16:45
Great Bedwyn Primary School 16:46
Bedwyn Rail Station 16:50
Shalbourne, The Plough 16:01
Ham, Crown and Anchor 16:07
Hungerford Library 16:15
Froxfield, Bus Shelter 16:21
Savernake Hospital 16:28
Marlborough High Street 16:33

The following routes have sections of "On Request" journeys so please check PDF timetables carefully:

Red 2, Red14, 25, 26, 27, 29, 37, 66, 101, 201 & 217

Download PDF Timetables, maps and fares