Salisbury Transition City - Community Fund Winners!

8 months ago Wed 15th May 2024

Salisbury Transitions City - Community Fund Winners!We are showing our support for Salisbury Transition City’s forthcoming People in the Park event by providing a funding boost.

Salisbury Reds is committed to bringing additional sustainable transport to the city - and recently announced a successful joint bid with Wiltshire Council for government funding under the Zero Emission Bus Regional Area Scheme, that will see 23 more electric buses arrive in Salisbury.

Salisbury Transition City’s People in the Park event is all about sustainability, and is also free for people to attend - so we’re delighted to be showing our support for the event by donating £500 from our Community Fund.

The purpose of the event aligns perfectly with our ethos on helping to reduce congestion and improve air quality across the city, and we’re pleased to be bringing one of our electric buses along. This is a chance for the people of Salisbury to come together for a wonderful day out, whilst getting to know an array of local environmentally businesses here.

People in the Park takes place this Saturday - 18 May - between 10am and 4pm at Queen Elizabeth Gardens.

As well as a main stage, there will be a youth stage - which gives the young people of Salisbury the opportunity to perform live, and a venue for them to watch and support their peers.

Find out more about this Saturday's People in the Park event and we hope to see you there.

Plan your journey and track buses in live time to get you to the fun!